So as a new week begins so does blogging and before you say anything, yes I am aware that I didn't blog yesterday but it was for a very good reason and that reason is basically why today's blog title is what it is and if you haven't guessed by that where I was yesterday, then I ventured off into the big smoke and one of the world's five fashion capitals that is London! Now love it or hate it, London is a great place to be if you're a fashion student or are just artsey in general and every time I go back there I fall in love with it just that little bit more, it's such a thriving city with so much happening that if you're feet aren't hurting you ridiculous amounts by the end of the day then you definitely haven't been getting the most out of your visit to London!
With my love for London expressed, now I'll get down to the actual reason behind why I ventured off to London yesterday on the 6:30 AM train and didn't get back until gone 10, (yes it was a very, very long day, but totally worth it!) was for two new projects for my second year visual studies and sample development which are, a competition for FAD which includes looking into the physics of the world and tailoring, which is probably the project that I'm looking forward to having a go at the most this coming year!
My trip started off with a visit to one of the three most favoured museums in London, The Science Museum, minus actually getting up and getting to the train station for 6:30AM obviously, and although I'm not a massive fan of science, I did actually find it really interesting and it is definitely a place to visit even if you just go for an hour or two, but it's safe to say it wasn't my favourite part of the trip not being anytime of scientist myself, but I definitely got the basis of my research for my FAD competition sketchbook done and although I didn't fully understand the brief to begin with, I now know and understand the brief better and know which direction I'm going to take this particular project in. So stay tuned for any information on this in the next few weeks, as I think it'll be a good think to share with you all, as it's a completely different way of looking at fashion and actually really opens you're eyes to the thought process behind designers, which ultimately gives you a push in the right direction if you're doing any type of fashion qualification or work or are planning to in the near future!
After visiting the Science museum we then made a quick trip and gander through both the V&A and The Natural History Museum. Now the V&A is obviously one of my favourites because It's home to some of the most loved fashion pieces and always has great fashion exhibits on, for example they've got a wedding dress exhibition on at the minute and yes you may have to pay a small fee, but V&A exhibitions like this one are always worth that little extra bit of money and although I didn't get to visit it whilst I was there yesterday, I will definitely be going back and paying both the V&A and London a visit before the exhibition ends! The Natural History Museum is also a museum that I definitely recommend visiting if you haven't already when on a trip or visiting London and this may just be the inner geek in me coming out, but the dinosaur exhibition is definitely the best part, so if you visit any part of the natural history museum then I definitely recommend the blue section!
Moving on from my geekiness regarding however 1000's of year old dinosaur bones and back to fashion, after a lunch break and quick shopping trip down Oxford Street, which proved very tempting to buy a few garments, including a camel cocoon winter coat in Primark for £26, we then went to a street close to Saville Row which was full of row on row of fabric shops and I can honestly say I've never felt so much in my element! Having all the designer shops on Saville Row just a few short steps away from me and being stood in little shops with walls upon walls of varying fabrics stocked upon each other and to make it even better, we then visited Houston Market which is just something else; although I was slightly ashamed with myself when I decided to stroke a beautiful navy blue fur coat trimming scarf and then I suddenly realised it was probably real! Apart from this I was literally in ore of all the designer labels in this one place, row after row and I fell in love with a few items which I can't even imagine how much would have come to in total and it's probably better to not too, other than to know it would have definitely broke my £40 weekly budget!
London Science Museum |
London Science Museum |
London Science Museum |
London Science Museum |
London Science Museum |
V&A |
V&A |
V&A |
V&A |
V&A |
So that's basically the in's and outs of my very busy first day back at university for my second year and it was honestly probably one of the best first days back I've ever had! Tomorrow's blogpost will see wish list Wednesdayreturn and then Thursday we'll be back to the traditional OOTD type of blogpost, so until then let me know what you think of the blog and any blogpost's you want to see!
Jess xo
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