How to wear florals inbetween seasons
So it's a Sunday and I'm blogging! What has become off me? I used to have Saturday's and Sunday's off from everything fashion related, well bar reading blogs and thinking of the week comings blogposts. But just recently, and I don't know why, I seem to have great brain waves on Sunday's of new outfits and just think it would be a shame not to share it with someone, bar my family, because let's face facts no one, including me, goes out anywhere on a Sunday unless they absoloutely have too, or they're going for Sunday dinner at their grandmas, and even then you don't have to put that much effort into what you're wearing! So yeah, it seems like Sunday's are the days that I need to start going out more on because I always have great outfit ideas and my hair and makeup always seems to stay just perfect, I guess that's always the case when you're not going out anywhere though isn't it?
Anyway with the sunshine showing it's face again today, hopefully we'll be seeing the typical late/Indian summer weather that we usually have this time of year, instead of rain, because of this, I obviously couldn't make my post about knits and wooley jumpers and what winter coat you need to have this winter but, they'll be some possible blogpost ideas which you may be seeing on your screens soon! So I took one of my more Autumn/Winter'ish floral kimonos and teamed it up with a few of my favourite inbetween season garments, and yes, this does include the Levi shorts, teaming together an outfit which keeps you warm enough so if the sun disappears behind a cloud you don't feel the coldness, but also an outfit that keeps your cool enough just incase the climate decides to take a leap into the tropical side so you don't get too warm. Basically this outfit is just the perfect outfit to wear when you have days like today when you're unsure as to what the weather has in stall for you, which if you live in England, tends to be more often than not, even in the summer months much to everyone's disappointment! Anyway, with this in mind, here's today's outfit breakdown;
With floral's being considered more of a Spring/Summer pattern/trend in many people's eyes, you often don't see many floral fabrics/garments about in the Autumn/Winter months, but in my opinion you can still get away with wearing floral's during the colder seasons, you just have to adapt the colour pallet of the material/pattern so that it doesn't scream "summer" whenever you wear it, bar obviously in the summer months! With my first garment, my floral kimono, this is exactly what I mean by toning down the bright, vibrant colours of summer floral's, enabling you to transfer one of the years hottest trends into an Autumn/Winter look, without looking like you're still trying to relive all the memories of the summer by wearing your favourite floral playsuits/ tops! Now, this kimono is actually one of the first kimonos I brought last Autumn when they were just starting to make an appearance on the high- street and although I don't wear it as much as some of my others it is perfect for wearing on day's like today. With the fabric being slightly thicker than most kimonos, this means you've just got that little bit of extra warmth when you wear it, this combined with the longer sleeves means that it's perfect for the colder season and enables you to keep wearing two of the hottest trends of this summer; kimonos and floral prints.
Now stepping away from the floral trend and moving onto my what seems very low cut top in this blogpost, although I have seen lower! I don't know if you'll recognise it or not, but this plain black top is just my black crop top/ sports bra that my mum gave me a few years back that I've worn in a few of my other blogposts, just stretched slightly and tucked into my shorts, all though only just! Now you probably won't be able to get away with tucking your crop tops into your high-waisted shorts, like I have done here if you're taller than me, which lets face facts isn't that hard, this is just luckily one of the advantages of me being small but if you get a Lycra top that's meant to be long in the body, then I'm sure this will look equally as effective as my crop top does in this post.
Next is my Levi shorts, I've said it before and I'll say it again, just because shorts are typically a summer item of clothing, this does not mean that you can't get away with wearing them during the Autumn/Winter season too! All you have to do to transfer them from solely being part of your Spring/Summer wardrobe is to team them with a thicker pair of black/grey tights and then simply add layers to the top of your body, like a shirt and jumper, either leaving them loose or tucking them in to create a winter look and it's as simple and straight forward as that! I've been known to wear shorts even in December when there's been snow on the ground, so there's no excuse for your favourite pairs of high-waisted shorts to be kept in your wardrobe this Autumn/Winter.
Team these three garments with a pair of jelly shoes, like I have done in today's blogpost, to keep that little bit of a Spring/Summer feel to your outfit and a simple plain black bag and you're well on your way to an amazing inbetween season outfit!
Jess xo
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Jess xo
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