With 2014 coming to an end and with Christmas just around the corner obviously I was last minute Christmas shopping today, sent out with a list of things that mum had woken me up with at half eight this morning, when I came across this gorgeous mustard wool scarf which was hanging on the sale rale within my local Matalan store, and although I'm not a massive mustard colour lover, I was drawn to it straight away and because my bank balance is a little worse for wear at the minute, as many peoples are I suspect from all the Christmas indulgences that this time of year brings, I rang my mum and said you have to buy me this scarf for Christmas because I have to have it, obviously in a nicer way than this but I can safely say that it will be under the Christmas tree wrapped tomorrow night and I can't wait to wear it!

The mustard scarf that started it all is only £6 in Matalan stores reduced from £10 and I can't express how super super soft it is! So get down to you're nearest stores straight away and get your hands on one! |
Now although mustard is one of those colours which you either love or hate, a little like marmite, its all the rage this season and next simply because it is one of those colours which fits the in-between seasons like autumn and spring, but most definitely doesn't look out of place in winter especially within knits and woollens and it also adds that hint of something different to your colour pallet in the summer and its great for those people, like my sister, who love wearing black all year round as it's a darker colour which means you don't feel too out of your comfort zone if you're an all black outfit everyday type of person! However the best thing about this specific colour is that it looks amazing on both men and women especially this time of year, so with this in mind I've gathered up some mustard must haves which if Santa hasn't got you already, then you'll probably be able to snatch up in the boxing day/January sales!

Yellow Grandad Collar Oxford Shirt - River Island - £12
Although slightly darker than what most people would consider "mustard" yellow, this men's shirt has been reduced from £25 down to £12 so if you're looking for something different to wear Christmas day or even New Years I can guarantee this is the look to go for, plus if you're not overly keen on the granddad collar the same shirt is available with a shirt collar and reduced down to the same price! |
Lambs wool Mustard Scarf - Asos £15
Once again this item is a great saving, especially around this time of year and is an accessory which every man needs this winter whether you're a man who likes to add extras to your outfits or not, either way, everyone needs a scarf during the colder months. |
Lambs Wool Rich Crew Neck Jumper - £23
Great colour, great look and a great saving, this jumper and shirt collaboration is a look that I love on men with skinny's and a lot of the time men who try to pull it off, pull it off well, so if you haven't tried it yet lads, then treat yourself to a little present for yourself this festive season and I guarantee your girlfriends will be impressed! |
Pull & Bear Crochet Playsuit - Asos - £20.99
This is exactly what I meant by how easily mustard can be passed throughout the seasons and wouldn't look the least bit out of place during the summer months; this giving your summer pallet that little bit of something different which not everybody has within their summer wardrobe. |
Petite Ribbed Sweat/Jumper - Asos - £14.99
Now I personally think that mustard looks the best in big chunky knits and sweaters like this one as although, like I've said previously, the colour can easily be transferred to your summer wardrobe, it primarily makes me think of autumn and the leaves on the ground so this jumper is spot on for me and for just under £15 you can't complain really!
Mustard Hair Turban - Asos - £6
A little like the fur turbans which I absolutely love, these little things are a simple and easy way to add a little bit of colour to your outfit and you're Autumn/Winter wardrobe and the mustard has to be my favourite colour in it! |
Twist and Shout Shorts - Asos - £21
Now shorts aren't really a winter thing a little like the playsuit, however it shows how versatile this colour is and how easy it is to team with other neutral colours like black, white and grey and even combine other fabrics with it such as a leather/denim jacket and for you to look fashionable no matter what. This outfit, not just the mustard shorts, is something which I think is an effortless look and believe Asos have got it spot on! |
So whether you're a man or a woman I strongly recommend next time you're shopping/browsing online or in in store instead of going to pick the black or navy jumper/shirt/skirt/dress up if there's a mustard one go and try it on and I can guarantee you'll think twice!
Jess xo
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