Fashion Illustrator, Sarah Hankinson
Hi there bloggers, once again it's been a while and I once again apologise for this, life's academic and social events seem to have taken my attention away from my love of blogging once again, but this time I'm back! With finally finishing my 1st year of university a few weeks ago, I seem to have found myself with a lot of free time on my hands, although I'm doing work for second year my life doesn't seem to be traveling at the fast speed that it was a few weeks ago, this enabling me to rediscover my love for blogging again!
So since I have been given all this free time, here I am back blogging and seeing as I'm also finding myself fully immersed within second year work I thought I may as well share my recent discoveries when looking into the world of fashion illustration for one of my recent projects. Although Sarah Hankinson's work isn't a stranger to me, as I looked and studied her work when I was doing my A-levels, when rediscovering her work in the past week I found myself once again falling in the love with her style.
Hankinson uses strong black and white sketches with elegant feminine splashes of colour to create her masterpieces which have featured in various magazines such as Bazaar Magazine and used for adverts such as Maybelline over the years. Hankinson most definitely has made a splash within the fashion industry through her unique ways of presenting and creating her work and is now currently represented by The Illustration room, a company which matches their wide source of creative artists to their clients specific needs which can range from anything such as magazines and websites to business cards and labels.
Hankinson's style I believe will play a huge role within my final 2 illustration pieces which I have to present to my tutors at the end of this month, in which I'll take inspiration from the university's graduate fashion show combined with illustrators whose style I like and chose to work with. ill upload pictures of my final illustrations and how I used Sarah Hankinson's style as an important influence within my work once they have been created.
In the mean time if you want to find out more about Hankinson and her work visit:
Shall Post again Soon!
Jess xo
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