Liebster Award

So I've not blogged for a while recently as due to the combined work load of being a fashion design student and also stupidly forgetting my password to be able to blog (blonde moment) I've not had time to just sit and relax and throw my fashion advice out there. But when I logged on, after several attemps of trying to reset my password I may point out, I was surprised to find a lovely comment from Ellis, at nominating me for the Liebster Award.

Now you may be wondering what the Liebster Award is, as like you when I first came across the comment I did wonder what actually I had been nominated for. basically the award is a tag that's going around blog's through bloggers of the world in which you nominate 11 bloggers who have under 200 followers to help to get their name out there! I think it's a great way to help upcoming blogs so thankyou Ells for nominating me, I feel privileged!

So here goes, the questions that I'm going to answer from Strawberrylace are as follows;

1- What are 3 things on your wishlist for this month?
This is a tricky one, as with me there's either too many things I want or none at all, I'm not one of those inbetween girls! But if I had to pick 3 they would be;
Item 1. A Pair of office Tinker Taylor Tbar brogues £48 ; some may say that these shoes remind you of their school days as a little girl with pigtails and those frilly socks, but I've been pinning after a pair of these for months and the new tan brown colour Office have in this season make them a must have for the coming months!
Item 2. Boyfriend blazer style coat; My friend Steff has the most beautiful tanned boyfriend blazer coat from French connection that is just beyond words, it goes with everything and I believe will be one of those things that you can re-wear over and over again in coming years, kind of like the leather jacket and the mac they're always in style!

Item 3. Finally, the Saffiano Tote Bag from Topshop caught my eye straight away when I walked into the Topshop store in Huddersfield, sadly I don't own one yet, the joys of buying a car! this bag is a great investment, bringing colour to the dreary month we seem to be having right now!

2- Who is your style icon?
I wouldn't say I have a style icon as such, I like to think my style is just based on what I like and what I think looks good together, but an icon in my life and known as a style icon to many would definitely be Marilyn Monroe, incase you hadn't gathered with the obsession with red lipstick already! but another person I take style inspiration from is definitely my mother, especially when she was my age, it's scary how similar we are in more ways than one!

3- Where would you love to go on holiday to?
This will sound really cliché but I would love to go and explore New York, that is one of my dreams or should I say one of the many things on my bucket list to do before I die. other places I would love to visit are Paris, Italy and Hawaii (This has nothing to do with Steve Mcgarrett in Hawaii 5 O!)

4- What is your favourite magazine?
I wouldn't say I have a favourite magazine because I believe different fashion magazines are better for different things, I do love to read Vogue, but on a student budget that is impossible! reading blogs and articles online is as good as any magazine to gain style inspiration from.

5- Which website do you buy most of your clothes from?
I would probably say Topshop, although I'm not a great online shopper, I prefer to shop in store, so I can see the item up close before I buy it, being a fashion design student I tend to inspect every inch of a garment before I buy it to see to what quality it has been manufactured too.

6- Vintage shops, or High street shops?
Most definitely vintage shops, anything vintage has my heart straight away, I could spend hours looking at past fashions in cute old vintage shops, there's just something about them that I love, plus you can find some real bargains sometimes!

7- Why did you start blogging?
I honestly started blogging because I wanted to start to experiment more with different aspects of the fashion world outside what I study at university, plus I thought it would be a great starting point to voice my opinion and hopefully get me noticed.

8- If you had 1 million pounds what would be the first thing you'd buy?
If I had a million pounds I probably go and buy myself that red Radley weekend bag that I fell in love with just after Christmas, followed by an apartment/villa in either New York or Florida.

9- What beauty item could you not live without?
I couldn't possibly live without my Kate Moss, Maybeline, #1 shade red lipstick, I don't even want to think what I'd do if they stopped making my shade!

10- What clothing item did you regret buying within the last year?
I brought a green skirt with a leather banding around the top of it a few weeks ago for a fiver in the sale, and when I got it home I just thought why did you buy this? it's still in my wardrobe to this day with the tags on and I highly doubt it'll ever be worn.

11- If you were given the chance to spend lots of money in only one high end brand which one would you choose?
This is a tough one, because I don't swear by one brand having everything you need, I tend to shop around but it probably would have to be Ted Baker, just because I love the floral prints that they do!

Due to me being 3 weeks overdue with this I've got a feeling that the nominations may have stopped, so thankyou once again to Ellis at StraweberryLace for the nomination, I think it's time I started following some more bloggers so I could actually finish this properly!

                                                                    Jess xo


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